Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy B-Day Suz!

Suzie's birthday is on the 22nd- so in December, we always try to make sure her Birthday is top priority until Christmas actually arrives. Happy #9 Suzie-Q!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


A very cold Halloween this year. Chili and soup at Aunt Shelley's house. And, after 2 attempts, a handful or two of candy from trick-or-treating. From L-R: Edgar Allen Poe(as he is now. Dead of course), Supergirl, a cheerleader after a nasty accident and Al Capone/Inspector Clouseau/random gangster man.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The chitlins

We had pictures scheduled for this Sunday. After seeing the weather report for the weekend, I dragged the kids out for a panicked session of our own. From the looks of things, this may have been the last fine day for quite awhile. After alot of cursed coaxing, these were what I managed to get.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy #10

We got Thomas and Sam home from Cali just in time to celebrate Sammy's B-day today.

By 10 o'clock he had already been out to shoot this and named it Sammy Jr.

Coffee and chocolate donuts for breakfast. Again.

Suzie: "Birthdays are the best time of year. Birthdays and Christmas."
Daddy: "Suzie has the best birthday. She gets all her presents at once." (suzie's b-day is the 22nd of Dec.)
Sam: to Suzie: "Well, I have an American birthday."
Suzie to Sam: "Yeah, well I have a Jesus birthday."
I guess Jesus trumps America any day. Even on your birthday. Happy Birthday anyway Sam.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So we finally got some pictures taken. Thanks to Shelley's camera and Carrie's groovy yard! These seemed to be the best of the bunch.