Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back to the grind

We managed to make it through the first few days of school intact. These pics are from the first day. You should find it pretty easy to figure out what grade everyone is starting. We're getting ourselves back into the daily grind but at 6:00 in the morning, none of us are happy about it. Turner is enjoying Jr. High but the true test will be what she has to say about it by Christmas. We're crossing our fingers. Thomas is still working out the kinks of being in a big new school on top of figuring out the world of being in a GT class. Alot of his classmates went to that school last year, so the learning curve is a little steeper for him but as long as he gets his lunch, he'll get the hang of it. For the first time Sam is dealing with a teacher that none of his siblings had before him. She is new to our little school last year and isn't quite as easy to charm as his last teachers. I guess not charming his way into and out of things is what Sam gets to figure out this year. Since Suzie's teacher has had everyone else in the family for 2nd grade, she thinks she has it down already. Of course it helps that she is a busy little bee just like her sister and would rather die than do something the wrong way but you know...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Boys

We have been having technical difficulties here at the Hunt residence. It took me until today to upload birthday photos of Thomas-and his birthday was on Monday. So, since today is Tim's birthday, I decided to put up one of him too and the boys will just have to share this one.

Officially Eleven!

My new favorite picture of Tim. Technically still 36 here. I guess we'll have to take another one of his totally different 37 year old face.

Can you guess what Thomas picked for his birthday breakfast?